
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Gender Reveal

Today was our mid-pregnancy ultrasound to check the little one's anatomy and make sure everything looks good! It's also the time to determine the sex. 

As I said earlier, we planned to have it written in a card that we could open with just the two of us, instead of finding out in a doctor's office with a total stranger or in a big party.

Everything went as planned! The little one was flipping and waving away, trying to avoid the camera, and even seemed to be playing with the umbilical cord--too funny. His/her little legs were crossed at the ankles. This kiddo is a total character already. The ultrasound technician was able to move around and show us a bunch of different pictures without giving away the sex. We had to look away while she found a different angle (so hard)! She took the pictures and made sure everything looked good as we kept our eyes shut and tried not to peak. Afterwards, she printed off our pictures, separating the ones that would give away the sex and putting them with the card we had brought, wrote the sex in the card, and taped it shut so we couldn't sneak a peak! 

After that we met with the doctor who said everything looked perfect and healthy (YAY)! 

From there we opted to just make dinner an early thing, since oh-my-gosh we wanted to open that envelope! So, we headed to The Melting Pot (which was delicious and super fun, by the way) and opened our special little card there...

Last chance for guesses! 

We spoke to our server about why we were there and she totally agreed with me that the baby is a boy! Drew remained unconvinced... 

So we just had to settle the debate and find out for sure!


We're having a little baby...

I'm still incredibly surprised, but we are both just so happy to finally know for sure and to have a healthy, happy baby! 

Time to start officially looking at names, planning a nursery, and figuring out the specifics of having a GIRL!!
