
Monday, August 26, 2013

18 Weeks

Well, we are in week 18! Talk about mind blowing.

I was making up one of the pictures that I've been doing each week, but something kept screwing up the words. Talk about annoying. So this week is just basic pictures. 

I'm definitely starting to show. I feel huuuuge, but I don't feel like I actually look pregnant to people who don't already know. Soon enough, though, I'm sure! 

I'm still beyond tired 90% of the time. But I can stomach most foods, so that's promising. I've been trying to get back into the kitchen and have managed to do some cooking (with Drew's help): chili, soup, and shepherd's pie... all so good! I'll post some recipes in the next couple of weeks. 

Also, in two days we will find out if we are having a little man or a little lady. Look out for a post Wednesday night or Thursday afternoon with the update. 

Have a great week! 

P.S. Anyone using blogger know why my pictures turn out grainy when I load them on here? They look normal everywhere else.