I love tacos. Really just Mexican food in general.
I usually do black beans and quinoa and leave it at that, but I've been on a bit of a sweet potato kick lately, so I thought today, "OMG! Sweet potato tacos!" And then I just had to make them, or else obsess over potential recipes all weekend.

These are quite easy to prepare and don't take too long. The potatoes themselves cook 30 minutes, which means you can pop them in the oven and prepare whatever other taco fixin's you'd like. (We used quinoa and black beans... Still.)
They have a little bit of a kick to them, so if you have little ones, you may want to dial back the cayenne a little, but for everyone else they should be fine.
The sweetness of the potato, plus the spice of seasonings, plus the taco shell and whatever else you add on there, all combine and make something pretty special.
You could also just put these on the side of whatever Mexican fare you are serving.

Sweet Potato Tacos
Ingredients (serves two people, about 6 hard tacos):
1 sweet potato, peeled and chopped into bite sized pieces
1 T + 1 t oil
1 t Mexican hot sauce (I used Valentina)
1/2 t garlic powder
1/2 chili powder
1/8 t cayenne pepper
1/8 t cumin
(+ Whatever you plan to serve them on and with,
such as hard or soft shells, quinoa, black beans, etc.)
1. Preheat oven to 425.
2. Prepare your sweet potato(es) and put pieces into a medium sized mixing bowl.
3. Mix remaining ingredients in a small bowl, then toss over the sweet potatoes.
4. Stir well, making sure each piece is well covered in oil/spice mixture.
5. Pour onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or foil and spread out.
6. Cook 15 minutes, then flip each piece, and cook for another 15 minutes.
Serve and enjoy!