
Monday, September 30, 2013

23-Week Update

I’ve been meaning to post a 23-week update for the past several days now. I wish I could tell you that I’ve just been too darn busy to write anything, constantly doing productive things or going on titillating adventures, but that would be a total lie. No, I haven’t been too busy. There’s been a bit of productivity, but definitely no adventures. Instead, I have just been seriously lacking in motivation and inspiration to do a whole lot.

That’s not to say that I haven’t done anything or that we don’t have things going on, but just not enough to really excuse the lack of an update. I suppose, then, I’ll fall back on the “but I’m pregnant!” excuse. You just can’t argue with that. ;) Anyway, here’s a quick look at what has been going on around here:

Norma Gene health issues. Party. Didn’t feel well. Norma Gene doctor appointment. Drew went to a movie with Roddy White. Birthing class. Doctors appointment. Cleaning.

Whew—I think you’re all caught up now.

I haven’t done one of those silly pregnancy updates in a while either, so why don’t we just throw one in for fun?

23 weeks

1-23wks - Version 2-2

Maternity clothes: Sometimes. They tend to be more comfortable than the alternative, but they aren’t necessarily necessary yet (so I tell myself, at least).

Sleep: Difficult. Getting comfortable is almost impossible.

Best moment this week: Probably our class or doctors appointment. The next appointment will be the gestational diabetes test (yikes!) and after that, we’ll start going every 2 weeks instead of every four. Holy moly. I feel like it’s flying by!

Movement: All the time. I have given her the nickname Flipper because she is always flipping around like a little dolphin. She kicks, punches, flips, and flops pretty consistently at this point. It’s such a crazy feeling, but it’s so nice to feel like there’s a level of communication there.

Food cravings: Nothing! Honestly, my appetite still doesn’t really seem to be there. I wonder if I’m getting enough calories in because nothing sounds good. Even when I am hungry, the idea of eating is unappetizing (go figure) and nothing sounds worth eating. I cooked about 3 different things today and ate none of them, because ICK.

What I miss: Motivation. Sleep. Eating. Being able to do things consistently (like cook, clean, exercise, etc.). Not having to worry about food! Ugh. Everyone has random rules for pregnant women that are just impossible to follow. Oy.

What I am looking forward to: Getting a bunch of the smaller details figured out. Getting the house clean.

Milestones: She is all over the place, so getting to feel the movement pretty regularly and having Drew be able to feel her, too. J

There are many other things to discuss, but I’ll keep this one on the shorter side and just update in another day or two. Plus, a recipe is coming your way sooooon.

Have a good week! 

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