
Saturday, December 14, 2013

34-Week Update

34 Weeks

So… I’m a few weeks behind. Oops. It’s been a pretty crazy time lately, with the holidays, traveling, having pretty crazy third trimester insanity, starting a new job, and trying to get things in line for this baby!

Everything has been good, though! We are still having a very healthy pregnancy (yay). I’ve been getting quite a bit of ligament pain and apparently, she likes to set up camp on my sciatic nerve, which is painful, but I feel lucky that those are the worst of my problems.

So far, I think the third trimester is my favorite. I was so beyond miserable in the first and partially through the second. Even though I’ve reached an epic size (I believe NASA will be rocketing me into space any day now to become the new ninth planet), I feel better (though equally exhausted).

There aren’t really any new symptoms to report, just the usual (more intense/frequent, though): heartburn, ligament pain, back pain, sciatic pain, fatigue, insomnia, and pregnancy brain.

We have totally been slacking on keeping up with the pictures—have I mentioned how tired I am? I did manage to snag a little picture at 31.5 weeks, so you get two pictures for the last 3-4 weeks. Oh, well.
Not the best picture, but 31.5 weeks!

A few random thoughts:
  • Still no name. I know, I know. Everyone keeps asking and telling us how we need to get on it. It’s not for a lack of trying, though, I promise. We thought we had one nailed down and then the list of most popular names for the year was released aaaand whattyaknow? So, we are back to the drawing board…
  • All of our doctor appointments have gone very well! Her heart rate is great, growth is on track, everything is looking perfect!
  • I had my first genuinely rude and unbelievable comments about my size last week while Christmas shopping. A woman working in the store we were in asked when I was due, so I told her next month. She started going on and on about how there was absolutely no chance I was going to make it that far because I’m just so huge and how the baby’s going to be born at Christmas! She would not stop talking about how big, huge, massive, ready to pop I am… For anyone wondering, that is not what you say to a pregnant woman. It doesn’t matter if she’s 5 years pregnant and looks like couldn’t possibly get any bigger—either tell her how great she looks or don’t acknowledge her pregnancy at all. Seriously. You may find yourself on the business end of a throat punch. (The doctors still assure me I'm right on track, by the way, so I'm not "too big" by any means.)
  • She got the hiccups for the first time (that I know of)! So weird!
  • She is head down with her booty poking up into my ribs. :) I hope she stays head down and we can get this show on the road!
34 Weeks