
Saturday, July 27, 2013

First Trimester :)

I've kept a few random notes from different weeks as a way to keep up with what's going on. I'll post them individually from here on out. Drew and I have done a pretty crappy job so far with the whole photo documentation thing, but hopefully we'll get better with it all. He says I officially have a bump (eeek!!), so now there's actually something to take a pic of! 

7 Weeks:
Total weight gain: I hope none, still, but I feel myself getting softer—ick
Maternity clothes? Nope! But I’ve been looking at them lol there are actually some cute ones!
Stretch marks? None—I read that they’re genetic, though, and there’s nothing that you can do to avoid them… Sooo, yay.
Sleep: Ehh, fine. Not really any different than before.
Best moment this week: Not much has happened. I’ve just been hanging around!
Miss Anything? Working out!! I am waiting for my 8 week appointment next week to get clearance to work out. Hopefully I’ll be able to pick back up with some exercises. I think that will help me feel better!
Movement: Nope, but weird feelings! Pulling, mainly.
Food cravings: Nothing really—raspberry ginger ale is the only thing that doesn’t sound gross and seems to make me feel okay, and enchiladas! MMMM!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Practically EVERYTHING.
Gender: No idea! Drew thinks he knows and I think I have a hunch, but I’m saying nothing!
Labor Signs: Not even close!
Symptoms: Heartburn, nausea, headaches, exhaustion, bad memory, lack of motivation, etc. Apparently this is fun! Ha!
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On. They’re a little bit big on me, so I’m curious to see if I end up having to take them off.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and terrified.

10 Weeks
Total weight gain: Don’t know—don’t keep track! But I think I’m starting to show a little.
Maternity clothes? None so far. I’m hoping to postpone that as long as possible.
Sleep: Exhausted, but random insomnia at night, which BLOWS.
Best moment this week: Family photos (June 24) with Drew’s mom, stepdad, and bros.
Miss Anything? Oh, lots of things! Doing things and having energy, mainly. Being able to cook! OYY!
Movement: None yet, that I can feel at this point.
Food cravings: None. Just a few foods that don’t make me want to die.
Anything making you queasy or sick: EVERYTHING.
Symptoms: Nausea, exhaustion, baby brain, some occasion heartburn/headache/etc.
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: It depends… Sometimes I’m fine and others I feel like a total grouch!

11 Weeks:
Monday (July 1, 2013) we went for our third doctor appointment so far, but our first one with our new doctors. It was a much better experience than either of our other two with the other doctor. We had our third ultrasound and it was crazy! The little bean actually looks like a baby! The first two ultrasounds looked blobby and unclear (especially to the doctor—oy!). But this one looked like a teeny tiny baby: a visible (big) head, two arms, two legs. The little arms and legs were wiggling all over the place! Even the doctor commented on how active the little bean was! In some of the pictures, it looks like he/she has a huge hooknose, but it’s actually a little hand that was waving at us. Not a “hi there” kind of a wave, but a “get away and stop taking my picture” kind of wave… Definitely Drew’s child, trying to be a pain when getting a picture taken. :) 

Although we are nearing the end of the first trimester, little has really changed from the earlier weeks. I’m still nauseous 90% of the time. I’m exhausted, but that does seem to be getting better. I’m not sleeping nearly as much. In fact, I seem to be having a hard time falling and staying asleep; that sucks under normal circumstances, but when you’re already dead tired as a rule, it’s even worse! Only a couple foods ever sound good—none of which are remotely healthy, really. I feel bad, but if it’s all I can eat, I don’t know what else I can do! I’m ready to have my appetite back, though. I think my poor diet must have something to do with the icky way I’ve been feeling (because it practically always does). I’m hoping I’ll start feeling up for some moderate exercise again soon, too! I feel sluggish and flabby, which I know is bound to happen, but I think if I can just get some activity going on again I’ll feel at least a little better! At the very least, I’ll feel like I’m actually doing something, which will make me feel better by default.

First Trimester Recap:
So last week we officially transitioned into the second trimester! It’s pretty crazy to think about how fast time is flying by! When I was in the middle of my uber-nauseous phase, I couldn’t wait to be in the second trimester. It was my rallying cry, “Just make it to the second trimester! Everything will be better in the second trimester!” Everyone tells you that one day, you just wake up and feel better and have energy again.

I’m still waiting on that!

Unfortunately, I’m still dealing with some nausea and still tiiiiiired. I definitely feel better than I was feeling for a while, but I still don’t feel good or normal. Bummer.

Other than that, though, things are still going well (as far as I know). Things have definitely started to settle in and feel much more real than ever before—YAY. I’ve been doing all kinds of research (shocking, I know) about all sorts of pregnancy and baby stuff. It’s unbelievable how much is out there! Everyone has a very strong opinion of what is right and good and what is sure to destroy your baby forever, and they all disagree with each other. It’s pretty exhausting. I’m doing my best to just take in advice and actual wisdom and not focus so much on having a solid plan (so hard!). But I seem to be hearing over and over again that, more than anything, it’s all about being flexible because you just cannot plan for everything. (Woo.)

So, more or less, that’s what we’ve been up to! I have much more to say that will be on the blog later, though!

Have a good weekend! J